#mathematics Articles

The reverse pseudo-Huber loss function

The Huber loss function behaves like squared loss for small values and like absolute loss for large values. In this article we reverse the pseudo-Huber, creating a smooth function that behaves like absolute loss for small values and like squared loss for large values.

Penger og privatøkonomi

(Norwegian) God privatøkonomi gir økt handlingsrom. Denne artikkelen viser formler og grafer for inflasjon, sparing, aksjefond og boligpriser.

Slippery ice maps

On the ice tiles featured in Pokémon games, the player must navigate from start to finish by sliding across the ice. In this article we investigate properties of ice maps, and investigate at how we can generate hard problems.

Investment calculator

An interactive investment calculator for simulating how your savings will grow, based on historical data from the stock index S&P500.