
Lønna til norske utviklere i 2023

(Norwegian) Hvilke faktorer bestemmer lønna til en utvikler? Vi analyserer et datasett fra kode24. Utviklerne med høyest lønn har lang erfaring, høy utdannelse, er konsulenter og jobber i Oslo.

Relative strength - Wilks, IPF GL and allometry

In powerlifting, formulas are used to assess and compare lifters with different body weights. In this article we evaluate two such formulas: Wilks and IPF GL. Then we generalize them and propose an alternative. We also create a formula that accounts for age and training experience.

Politikk og meningsrommet

(Norwegian) Vi ser på data fra NRKs valgomat. Hvor like er partiene? Hvilke partier kan grupperes sammen? Hvilke retninger beskriver politikkens meningsrom best?

Fair ticket controls

A public transportation company in Norway uses AI in their ticket control process. They claim to have put special focus on the ethical use of AI. But does an obvious ethical solution to such a problem exist? I don’t think so.

Fiktive norske navn

(Norwegian) Digfrid, Emmund, Harbjørg, Joannica, Olfine og Trestina høres kanskje ut som norske navn - men det er de ikke. I denne artikkelen laster vi ned 5703 norske navn og trener en språkmodell til å generere nye, fiktive navn.

Å forklare gruppeforskjeller

(Norwegian) Vi undersøker forskjellen mellom gutter og jenters grunnskolepoeng. Det er et stort overlapp mellom gruppene, men samtidig er det store deler som ikke overlapper. Hvordan kan vi få en intuisjon for hvor stor forskjellen er?

Ranking doctors

The Norwegian website contains reviews and ratings for doctors (general practitioners). How should doctors be ranked, considering that some of them have very few ratings?

Bayesianske fiskevann

(Norwegian) I Oslomarka er det hundrevis av fiskevann. Kan vi bruke rapportert fangst til å finne ut hvilke vann som har størst fisk, selv om det er svært få observasjoner per vann?

Random Rotation Ensembles in Python

An implementation of the Random Rotation Ensemble in Python, using scikit-learn. The idea is to train an ensemble of trees on rotations of the data set, then average their predictions.

Three Monte Carlo permutation tests

We Monte Carlo permutation tests to investigate three problems: (1) rats on restricted and free diets (differences between groups), (2) crime rates (differences between paired observations) and (3) the relationship between height and pulse (correlation between paired observations).

En pose twist

(Norwegian) Jeg åpnet en pose twist og fikk én lakris og seks karamell med sjokoladefyll. Er det fremdeles rimelig å anta at det er like stor sannsynlighet for å få hver type?

Project money allocation

An optimization problem that involves distributing money to projects. I include code for two solution approaches: convex optimization with CVXPY and root-finding.

How to deposit money when banks fail

Suppose we have a set of banks and their corresponding failure probabilities. If a bank fails, we lose all money deposited into that bank. What is the best way to deposit money into the banks?

Group testing

Suppose there are two people in your household, and you wish to determine whether each one has some disease. You could use two tests, but if you’re clever you might get away with using one instead. This concept is called grouped testing and it generalizes to large-scale applications. Sometimes it’s possible to dramatically reduce the number of tests needed.